Yesterday in the morning I studied the GPS sensor records in Krýsuvík and it turned out that this region moved about 10 centimeters to the southeast after the recent earthquakes. At a crazy pace – only in a week (the usual pace of tectonic plates sliding under Reykjanes is about 2 centimeters per year).

This means that Lake Kleifarvatn and the Seltún volcanic system are now in a different place. It was exciting to visit there today – after all, this is the center of the events of recent weeks, a potential site for a volcanic eruption. While recording Seltún, I felt a slight wobble on the platform I was standing on. “Earthquake?” – crossed my mind. And behind my back I heard a voice: “Jarðskjálftar!”. So, however, an earthquake. I quickly turned on the microphone – the next shock was much longer and stronger. It’s definitely recorded, but can you hear it? Probably not. Low frequencies disappear somewhere in the hissing of the fumaroles. We have it on the video though 🙂

But that’s later. Because my favorite sound from today was the Kleifarvatn recording. The lake, which is surrounded on all sides by volcanic mountains and was formed by volcanic activity, and is also constantly changing due to seismic activity. After the quake in 2000, it decreased (also its depth), and after the last quakes – it changed its place. Today it was quiet as if nothing had happened. There was something soothing about sitting above it and listening to the sound. Exactly, what does Lake Kleifarvatn sound like?

See also:  Noise Explained: Exploring the Acoustic Phenomena of Flowing Lava

(the end of this specific concert was extremely surprising for me …)

photo by Magdalena Łukasiak

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